Construction industry infographics
To add your infographic, just click ‘upload file / image’ in the ‘site info / tools’ menu and then we will add it to the list for you.
Safety by the Numbers. Procore. August 2019
Creating a More Cost-Effective Construction Project. MPrebuiltMl, March 2018
Dry lining infographic. Gypsumtools. July 2017.
How VR and AR will impact business infographic. July 2017.
Futuristic transport infographic. McGinley Support Services, June 2017.
Nuclear power station infographic. NES Global Talent, April 2017.
Steel infographic. February 2017.
Return on investment for home renovation works infographic. November 2016.
The evolution of urban planning infographic. May 2016.
Decorating apps. Jarrimber, May 2016.
Modular vs traditional construction, ModSpace, March 2016.
Moving home infographic. Jarrimber, March 2016.
The state of the tradesman industry infographic. Climadoor, February 2016.
BBVA Bancomer headquarters infographic, February 2016.
App guide for carpenters. Jarrimber, January 2016.
The world's largest construction projects infographic. BFF, December 2015.
Prefabricated housing in Australia infographic. Half Price, December 2015.
9 of the world’s most impressive structures. Westermans International. October 2015.
Breaking Down The Construction Industry - Infographic. JT Atkinson, June 2015.
The future of construction industry techniques and technologies infographic. Gutter Masters, June 2015.
Lighting and health infographic. BRE Trust, August 2015.
Becoming a contractor infographic. Quantic UK, March 2015.
SuDS infographic. CIRIA, March 2015.
What does 2015 hold for construction contractors? Quantic UK, December 2014.
The state of UK construction August 2012.
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[edit] Who is this wiki for?
The articles contain information on implementing circular economy approaches in construction that could be relevant to:
- Architects
- Construction contractors
- Designers
- Developers, owners, investors
- Engineers
- Landowners
- Manufacturers and supplier
- Universities and research
- Urban planners
[edit] About CIRCuIT
The Circular Economy wiki is supported by the Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) project, which is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. CIRCuIT is a collaborative project involving 31 ambitious partners across the entire built environment chain in Copenhagen, Hamburg, Helsinki Region and Greater London. Through a series of demonstrations, case studies, events and dissemination activities, the project will showcase how circular construction practices can be scaled and replicated across Europe to enable sustainable building in cities and the transition to a circular economy on a wider scale.